Food Picks - 2BD per dozen ( 12pcs )
Food Labels - 400 fils each
Straw Flags - 3.5BD for 25 including straws
Cupcake Wrappers - 2BD for 10
2BD per dozen
Straw Flags including straws Price: 3.5BD per pack of 25 GCC shipping available for this item
2BD per dozen
Straw Flags including straws Price: 3.5BD per pack of 25 GCC shipping available for this item
Material: Acrylic Size: 2.5 x 3.5" Price: 10BD per dozen (12 pcs) GCC shipping available for this item
Material: Acrylic Size: 2.5 x 3.5" Price: 10BD per dozen (12 pcs) GCC shipping available for this item
Material: Acrylic Size: 2.5 x 3.5" Price: 10BD per dozen (12 pcs) GCC shipping available for this item
Material: Acrylic Size: 2.5 x 3.5" Price: 10BD per dozen (12 pcs) GCC shipping available for this item
2BD per dozen GCC shipping available for this item
Food Labels Price: 400fils each
2BD per dozen GCC shipping available for this item
2BD per dozen GCC shipping available for this item
2BD per dozen GCC shipping available for this item
2BD per dozen GCC shipping available for this item
Food Labels Price: 400fils each
2BD per dozen GCC shipping available for this item
2BD per dozen GCC shipping available for this item
2BD per dozen GCC shipping available for this item
2BD per dozen GCC shipping available for this item
Food Picks 2BD per dozen GCC shipping available for this item
2BD per dozen GCC shipping available for this item
Straw Flags including straws Price: 3.5BD per pack of 25 GCC shipping available for this item
Food Labels Price: 400fils each